Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow

Wednesday 21 December 2011

The shed slab

Wondering when the guys will be up to assemble the shed.  They said it is usually a week after the delivery of the bits, but I'm still waiting for the phonecall.

The round window

Well, there has been a fair bit of progress, but I haven't done an update for a while because honestly I was a bit disappointed with one of our "findings" and I really wanted this blog to be all about the good stuff.   But hey, if there were no challenges, then the outcome would be not so satisfying, right?  (Just say "Yes."  Humour me here, please)

The builder rang me to advise me that one of the windows in the upstairs bedroom wasn't going to fit.  The way the design guy had drawn the different elevations and the floor plan did not agree.  Long story short - does anybody need a new window?  We have a spare.  But hey, doesn't the round window look great?  Well, duh, it is bigger than it is supposed to be.  It is only supposed to be 600mm round and it is 900mm (outside frame), so yeah, it looks frigging awesome and it isn't SUCH a big deal that the other window in the same room wont fit, because this was another stuff up that kind of counteracted that.  (BIG sigh - you know, you heard me do it).  I was going to put stained glass in the round window, but the view looks like a postcard, so I'm giving up on that idea for the present.  Neil reckons that room looks positively tiny, sticking out like a sore thumb up there.  I reassured him it's only because none of the surrounding brickwork has been completed yet, except for the chimney, which is also awesome and they've done a brilliant job on.  I am including my instructions for how I wanted the chimney to look.  They've done it exactly as I wanted.

The builder also told me that the guys who are installing our wood heater have said I can't have a chimney pot - I have to have a cowl.  AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH.  Not impressed.  After having a week or so to cool off over it, I reiterated this severe disappointment to the builder when I saw him on site (I'm really pissed off about this) and he said he would see what he could do - check regulations and whatever, but I am preparing myself for disappointment here.  Cowl = UGLY, UGLY, UGLY.

Breathe, Sarah, breathe.  Count to 10.

Now for my really good bit of roof.  Check this out!!  Yee-Ha!!

And here's my reference shot for progress

Looking good, huh?  I can see that more bricks have been delivered and that stack of odd bricks we saw last time?  Well, they were just cheap fillers to do the inside walls that will be plastered over.  Don't know why they didn't get more of them, but yeah, whatever.